Well, good evening Peaches. I had a fire lit under my ass yesterday, and while it has refreshed my drive to accomplish my goals and turn them into realities, it has bruised my pride a bit. It was put in my face that I’m not setting my priorities properly and that I’m not pulling my weight. It hit me like a ton of bricks to think those closest to me are disappointed in the choices I’ve made, or that I’m never going to actually open my bakery. While I have been working on getting my business set up, I have stumbled a bit and it seems as though it was never going to happen with all the red tape I was having to push through.
Well, as I said, it has lit a fire under my ass. Today I successfully filed for my LLC! It seems I had been going about this all wrong and that there are several steps I have been missing in this process. I had thought it would be as simple as getting my cottage food license and then onto the county to get a business license. NOPE! I discovered I needed to set up an LLC, then a FIN (Federal Identification number), then onto a State Tax ID. Then I can apply for the cottage food license with the state Department of Agriculture. As soon as my kitchen is inspected and that license is approved, I can then file for my business license with the county, and I can actually sell my cakes! As fun as it has been to make everyone birthday cakes and make others just for the fun and practice, it would be amazing to get to promote my cakes and spread the word about my new business venture. It may be another month or so (hopefully) before I can actually promote my cakes and other tasty treats for sell. Until then, I am just going to keep moving forward with practicing and learning different techniques. I can’t believe I am this close and now I have to keep waiting, but I know with the state of our world at this time has caused some delay. Either way, I’m going to keep pushing forward. This has been a dream of mine since high school. I have wanted to open a bakery and possibly decorating classes for kids, just as I was introduced to the beauty in cooking and baking, to allow them to create fun treats. While, I understand I will need to start slow, and gain my footing, you can’t blame me for being a dreamer.
Well, I’m off to see what else I need to do to move forward with this (seemingly long) journey I’m on. By the way, for the very few readers (my mom) I will be taking this blog live next week, along with an Instagram and Facebook page so that once I am live, those few of you (again, thank you mom) for sharing this page I have worked hard on. Until next time, stay Peachy! –PP